Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Java For One

"Low art is just telling things; as 'There is the night.' High art gives the feel of the night. The latter is nearer reality and the former is a copy.....Rather paint the flying spirit of the bird than its feathers." ---Robert Henri

I kept messing with this and the more I did, the stranger it got. So frustrating. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. I'm getting ready for a show this weekend. I tend to get bogged down in the details of preparing for a show. Then I get really crabby. I LOVE to paint, but I hate setting prices, making lists, and all the rest of it. If only I had a "personal assistant" to do all the dirty work, I could just paint and paint. AH-h-h-h-h-h.

Anyway this is as usual a 6" x 6" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas. .
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Amy Gethins Sullivan said...

Dear Georgiana, Thank you for visiting.
And, I hope you too will "fall off your chair"... soon, very soon :)!!!
I really love your art. I to will be visiting you, for your up dates.
p.s. put pillows all around your chair. I think you are going to do very well. Amy

Ann Reyes said...

Thanks! I'm so happy to find your blog! I love your colorful paintings. Have you ever illustrated childen's books? I bet authors would fight for your art. It's just beautiful and so unique. I'll be checking back often.

Marie Fox said...

Thank you so much for your comment. I'll treasure your words for a long time.

I really do love the colors of your paintings - very delicious. It's clear that you thought chose them carefully - something I sometimes forget to do in the excitement of getting something on the canvas. And I especially love the background you added behind the lemons. It really pops the yellow. Great quotes too! I've written down the one by Picasso: that inspiration exists but it has to find you working. So true!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Georgiana, thanks so much for your welcome home comment on my blog. Everything you say here just resonates with me. It IS about the journey and there's the constant struggle to show and sell. Artists paint because they have to. Period.
Backatcha sistah friend.